On a starvation diet, the body slows down its metabolism to conserve energy. This means the longer you go on not eating/eating too little ,the slower your weight loss will be.Without sufficient glucose (from food) for your brain's functioning, you will experience mental fatigue, inability to concentrate ,irritability, headaches, confusion. Because your muscles won't get enough fuel to work on, you'll feel faint, unstable and weak.
To lose weight you need to keep your energy up by keeping muscles strong and giving it fuel (food!) and eat small frequent meals but make healthy choice. If you starve yourself to lose weight, you will find rapid weight loss. If you eat right, you'll drop the weight right off, and you'll look great. Your body is smart. It knows that you starved it, so as soon as you start eating again, it stores anything and everything it can from the food you are eating, just in case you starve yourself again so that it has something to live off of.
When your body is storing all of these things, you'll find yourself gaining weight again rapidly, sometimes more than you initially lost. There's no way to stop this either(yes there is, if you increase your metabolism to make up for the increase in your intake)...unless you stop eating again, but then the next time you eat your body will again store anything it can take from the food you're eating. Starving yourself to lose weight sounds like an OK idea, but it ends up being harmful.
Fat storage in itself is a body's survival mechanism. If over-used, just anything else, it can indeed be harmful. But starving and leading a normal life will prove to be quite difficult and harmful as explained below. Starvation is just that, starving, and your making your body go through hell to keep yourself alive. The smart way to lose weight and keep it off is not easy, but will give you the results you seek.
A well-balanced diet with all the correct serving sizes and a moderate exercise regiment are what is needed to be healthy and have a body that is lean. Please don't take the easy way out and end up harming yourself. What I would suggest for those who are overweight (30lbs or more) is go on a protein powder diet. It is much safer than starving but please do consult with your physician before attempting this.
When you deprive your body of sustenance it uses your fat and muscle for nutrients. If you are working every muscle group, your body will consume the excess fat in your body. If you are not exercising every major muscle group, your body will use a combination of fat and muscle to keep going. You will feel extremely tired and slow.
If prolonged starvation occurs, the weight loss will quickly begin to taper as your metabolism adjusts to not getting enough food. In the end, starving yourself could have serious consequences for your body. Healthy and fast weight loss can be achieved by consuming no less than 1000 calories a day and high intensity cardio for an hour five/six days a week.
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